Saturday, May 14, 2011


I need feedback!....especially on color and lighting. And, I think I'll add a grid to the ceiling.


  1. Good morning sharon, so far it looks very good, My suggestion would be that I don't think you need a grid for the ceiling but I would use the same color you currently have for the ceiling but lighter so it doesn't compete with the floor.

  2. yeah good call Antonio. put in some contrast, otherwise it looks amazing Sharon.

  3. Maybe a bit of pop in the private dining you have in the back corner? I also feel you might want to lower the transparency of your lamp balls, it kinda looks like the round is the glow of the bulbs. Looking great!

  4. hey on the images you import into modo, in order for them to not look washed out you have to decrease the Gamma dron from 1.0 to 0.625
